Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September 30, 2009

It has been awhile sent I last updated Taylor’s blog and not much has changed in Taylor’s condition. Taylor has been back to see Dr. Kelly the pain doctor two times since my last post with the latest being yesterday. In the visit yesterday Dr. Kelly increased Taylor medications and in some cases doubled his dosage. Dr. Kelly is trying to get Taylor to the point that he is maxed out on the dosage medication before trying Botox injections in Taylor’s stomach. He hopes this will stop the spasms. Dr. Kelly has researched Taylor condition and confirmed that it is very, very rare.

Some good news, Dr. Kelly has Taylor taking a new muscle relaxer as a sleep medication, and it seems to allow Taylor to sleep 3 or 4 hours in a row. It takes awhile to work and he has to retake it in the middle of the night to fall back to sleep, but this is a step in the right direction. Dr. Kelly says that it is important for Taylor to sleep so that his body can heal. Also, acupuncture is helping with his headaches, he still goes once a week and only has a headache once in a while.

Taylor and his family would like to thank every one for your thoughts, prayers, and cards. Taylor, because of his condition, does not want any visitors. We try our best to keep his life stress free and quite. Hypersensitivity disorder means he is hypersensitive to everything around him and stress makes his pain worse. So, thank you for your understanding.

Rita Bryan