Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 7, 2009 Doctor Visit

Today Taylor, Ken, Stacey and I went to see Taylor's doctors at UC. Going in the car is very hard on Taylor, the bumps and just sitting up putting pressure on his stomach makes him nauseated and hurts his stomach. We saw Dr. Garrett today, she has increased his dosage of Gabapentin in hopes that it will continue to help. Taylor is on about 1/3 of the dosage that the Doctors believe will help him. Gabapentin has many side effects so we have to slowly increase the dosage over time. The Doctors are still hopeful that this will be the medication that will relieve Taylor of the nerve pain and spasms. Taylor is still having trouble sleeping, one of the side effects of Gabapentin is that it can make you very sleepy, so we pray that it will help Taylor get some rest at night too.

Dr. Schmlewitz and Dr Garrett are also going to refer Taylor to a pain management doctor tomorrow, Taylor also has an appointment with Dr Brown (nerologist) this Thursday.

Thank you for your prays,
Rita Bryan

(pain level today 7, 8 out of 10)